A longing for life.

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Solace in love | ਇਸ਼ਕ 'ਚ ਦਿਲਾਸੇ ।

Solace in love | ਇਸ਼ਕ 'ਚ ਦਿਲਾਸੇ ।


A photo from the constructed photo-series ‘Sar’e-aam’, taken on a Canon AE1 Film camera, encapsulating the softness of solace in love. Loona (Lūṇā) , a Punjabi epic verse play written by Shiv Kumar Batalvi is seen lying on the thigh of one of the subjects. The hands and the relaxed bodies evoke a sense of leisurely air amidst the melancholia.

Dimensions: 18” X 21”

Pure cotton acid-free photo rag paper with an inkjet coating.

As each print is made to order, please allow a few days for printing, in addition to shipping time.

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